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To My Clients


Thank you for the privilege of performing an inspection for you today. I will do my best today to protect your interests as you pursue the purchase of this property.

My inspections are sometimes long (2 hours for a condo/3 for a townhouse/4 for a single family house) and my reports are detailed. I have always believed in giving my clients as much information about their house as possible. This is done to give you knowledge, not to overwhelm you. A long report or one with a lot of defects is not necessarily an indication of a bad house. Some of the information will be related to defects, while other information will be about positive aspects and maintenance tips. My reporting system does an excellent job of separating the different types.

You are more than welcome to join me on entire inspection. I am comfortable doing inspections alone and I am just as comfortable having one or several people right along side me. I also don’t mind if you have brought a family member or friend to be a "second pair of eyes". In my opinion, the more eyes we have on the house, the better. Please do whatever is comfortable for you and please ask any questions that you may have. Most of my clients spend some time with me and some time with their agent, while also taking time to measure for furniture, take photos, etc. Feel free also to take your own notes. I certainly see a benefit to you to have this added information.

I will do what I can to get around storage and other potential items to get to major systems, but must admit that in some cases, limitations do exist that prevent some aspects of the inspection from taking place. Air conditioning can not be operated in cold weather, for example, and areas hidden by drywall will not be seen. The final report will list these limitations.

I typically start the inspection outside, and then after testing water pressure upstairs, the inspection commences in the basement. I will then move to the kitchen where I will begin to compile the report. After moving through the rest of the house, I will inspect the attic and then will finish and print the report.

Thank you again for your trust in ACS and lets have some fun as we spend time in your new home.



John Spinello/ACS Home Inspections